Author Topic: (A hair confused) Yugo SKS mod  (Read 7995 times)

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Carl in CT

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Re: (A hair confused) Yugo SKS mod
« Reply #30 on: January 30, 2012, 06:23:18 PM »
Tapco had a USA made bolt for a while but I don't know too much about them and I think they discontinued them. I seem to remember reading that they took a little fine tuning to work well for many guns so maybe sales just never took off enough for them to keep producing them. I think some of the guys on here might have actually tested them for Tapco. Maybe there are some used ones floating around. I've never seen a USA made bolt carrier but there are many guys on here vastly more knowledgable than I who may know of something like that.

What I don't get with Tapco is they seem to have a pretty loyal following and have made a good name for themselves. Why in the world would they give themselves a black eye by making false statements? They may not have done it intentionally at first but they have been made aware of their error time and time again and have INTENTIONALLY folded their arms and decided not to make it right. Do they really sell more T6 stocks and mags because they say they are both three 922r parts when they are only two?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 07:56:06 PM by Carl in CT »
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Re: (A hair confused) Yugo SKS mod
« Reply #31 on: January 30, 2012, 06:45:59 PM »
Here's the parts count for a Yugo, with non-replaceable parts and replaceable USA-made options:

1.   Receiver.
2.   Barrel.
3.   Muzzle attachment. (Grenade Launcher)
4.   Bolt.
5.   Bolt carrier.
6.   Gas piston.
7.   Trigger housing.
8.   Trigger.
9.   Hammer.
10.   Sear.
11.   Disconnector.
12.  Stock.
13.   Forearm/handguard.
14.   Magazine body.
15.   Follower.

"Mix & match" any of the above to get the "less than 10 count".

A question about the non-replaceable parts.  I have searched and read most of the 922r posts but can't remember seeing that specified.  If you could give a citation I would appreciate it.

Barring a legal prohibition, I would have expected a USA made barrel would count as a replacement part.  That is a fairly easy change for any competent gunsmith and entirely feasible (even if not practical for most users).

I would suspect there are no USA made bolts, but also figured one would count if one were available.  I realize they are numbered, but they don't need to match the receiver number by law.

Obviously, the receiver is not replaceable since it is what the law determines to be "the real rifle".

Thanks for any insight you can offer on this.

My take on what he means by that is the fact that those three parts are not made so they are therefore non-replaceable. I'm sure if  you had the time and the money you could get them all custom made, but it would definitely not be cost effective.


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Re: (A hair confused) Yugo SKS mod
« Reply #32 on: January 31, 2012, 07:46:57 AM »
Thanks GG!
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Re: (A hair confused) Yugo SKS mod
« Reply #33 on: January 31, 2012, 12:05:09 PM »
Here's the EDITED parts count for a Yugo, with non-replaceable parts, replaceable but no currently available USA made parts and replaceable with currently available USA-made options:

1.   Receiver.
For obvious reasons!
2.   Barrel.
No currently available USA made parts.
3.   Muzzle attachment. (Grenade Launcher)
Several available
4.   Bolt.
5.   Bolt carrier.
No currently available USA made parts.
6.   Gas piston.
copperhead29 eBay seller
7.   Trigger housing.
No currently available USA made parts.
8.   Trigger.
Ben Murray
9.   Hammer.
Ben Murray
10.   Sear.
Ben Murray
11.   Disconnector.
No currently available USA made parts.
12.   Stock.
Several available.
13.   Forearm/handguard.
Several available.
14.   Magazine body.
Several available.
15.   Follower.
Several available.

"Mix & match" any of the above to get the "less than 10 count".
(I had received an email from a friend showing "USA Made FCG" for the SKS, but further checking showed this information to be incorrect  :oops: )

« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 11:53:31 AM by WDfrmTN »
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Re: (A hair confused) Yugo SKS mod
« Reply #34 on: January 31, 2012, 08:14:32 PM »
Wow WD thanks! is there anyway we can get that up on the 922r sticky mods? ??? i think it would clear up alot of confusion! awesome little chart there


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Re: (A hair confused) Yugo SKS mod
« Reply #35 on: February 01, 2012, 02:41:38 PM »
Ok my head is about to explode. I just bought a yugo with the Dragunov stock. Everything else is standard (grenade launcher, muzzle break, etc.). If I wanted to add a 20 round fixed or detachable magazine, what exactly would I have to replace?

Sorry and thank you


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Re: (A hair confused) Yugo SKS mod
« Reply #36 on: February 01, 2012, 04:03:54 PM »
 If the stock and upper handguard are American made , like a Choate, you would have to replace 3 more parts; if you also replace the magazine with something like a Tapco, then you just need 1 more part; the magazine body  and the follower each count as a separate part.....

 So with a USA stock, handguard, and mag, you would need to replace 1 part on your Yugo to be compliant; you can replace the sear or the  gas piston and be done.
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Re: (A hair confused) Yugo SKS mod
« Reply #37 on: February 01, 2012, 04:06:10 PM »
If the stock and upper handguard are American made , like a Choate, you would have to replace 3 more parts; if you also replace the magazine with something like a Tapco, then you just need 1 more part; the magazine body  and the follower each count as a separate part.....

 So with a USA stock, handguard, and mag, you would need to replace 1 part on your Yugo to be compliant; you can replace the sear or the  gas piston and be done.

Ok thanks, that what I was thinking. Which one is easier and/or cheaper? If they are of relatively the same price/difficulty which would be best for improving performance or durability.

Thanks again


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Re: (A hair confused) Yugo SKS mod
« Reply #38 on: February 01, 2012, 04:07:15 PM »
 The piston would be easier to replace than the sear; price wise, I think it's a little more, and they are harder to find.....
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Re: (A hair confused) Yugo SKS mod
« Reply #39 on: February 01, 2012, 04:08:44 PM »
Replacing the GL with a muzzle brake is also a possibility . . .

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Carl in CT

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Re: (A hair confused) Yugo SKS mod
« Reply #40 on: February 01, 2012, 04:09:06 PM »
The Tapco gas pistons are no longer in production and are getting scarce.  The muzzle brake might be a possibility, or the sear or hammer or trigger that Murray's sells.

Just make sure whatever you get you can prove is American made. Some guys say the burden of proof is on the BATFE to prove that a replaced part is NOT American made but I personally am too paranoid to rely on that. I want to be able to prove that they are American made, not hope that BATFE can't prove they aren't.  In fact if every part does not say American made in some permanent way on it I won't use it for 922r compliance. The Tapco parts all say USA as do Muuray's parts.
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Re: (A hair confused) Yugo SKS mod
« Reply #41 on: February 01, 2012, 04:27:07 PM »
Just looking briefly online, looks like a piston tube will be pretty hard to come by. Can I just replace the muzzle break with a Murray's one? I'm assuming mine is welded on but I really don't know and am not at home.


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Re: (A hair confused) Yugo SKS mod
« Reply #42 on: February 05, 2012, 10:21:29 PM »
 FYI: there is a company that is making USA gas pistons.  They are in the process of heat treating them and then having them chromed.  Should be ready in 2-3 weeks or so. here is the URL if you are interested;

Since Tapco quit production :banghead: this may be the only source for the piston.  I have one on order so when it arrives I'll try and post a review.



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Re: (A hair confused) Yugo SKS mod
« Reply #43 on: February 06, 2012, 12:01:11 PM »
Forgot about CNC Warrior. He does (or did) Yugo gas valves, muzzle brakes, etc., too.
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