Author Topic: 12th Anniversary of first SKSBoards Florida shoot  (Read 5306 times)

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12th Anniversary of first SKSBoards Florida shoot
« on: October 30, 2022, 03:39:18 AM »
Hello guys, today, October 30 is the 12th anniversary of the first SKS Boards camp & shoot event.  For those of you that were there that first time, and those that began coming later, I'm sure it's a slightly bittersweet moment.  I know we all grew to love these events, even before they became as standardized as they eventually did.  That first time some of us went there with our tents and some of us took grills.  After the shooting was over, we all got together making food and sharing with each other. That first time I think I was the only one with any electricity as I took a small generator with me (yeah, I know, I know). 

Afterward we set it up so there was a list of food that was needed and everyone brought something on the list.  I usually brought six gallons of OJ, and brought a bunch of Italian sausages, even though they were never on the list (it just seemed a shame to have that big grill up and running and not cook any sausages).  It wasn't 'till later that we started paying extra to just cover the cost of food and Ranger took care of buying everything needed.  I always felt bad about how much extra effort Ranger always had to put into this which we could never repay.  I don't think there was a single event where he didn't end up losing money but it was all a labor of love.

Anyway, as it seems there won't be another event any time soon, I figured we could at least try to celebrate by posting some pictures and memories.  It would be nice to see all the pictures and videos you all took at the event, and read the stories that went with them. 

I'll go first,

Here's a video of that time I won the SKS competition by blowing up my target first.

Here's a video of my brother (TheStud50) shooting at one of those bleeding zombie targets I used to set up.  I made these by using some good quality zombie targets and setting them up with blood splatter packs.  I still have several of those blood splatter packs for use on targets, but I don't have anywhere else to use them. If we ever do have the event again, you can be sure you'll see more of these.

I may post a few more, but I'd really like to see what you all have.
I am the one they call Cesar.


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Re: 12th Anniversary of first SKSBoards Florida shoot
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2022, 06:24:42 AM »
Didn't make the first one but did make quite a few. 
The shoots took internet friends and made real life friends out of them. 
Every time someone missed an event they were missed. 
1600 mile round trip was worth it.  Our first was Oct 2013, I think.

We started going after 'graduating' all the way out to 100yds at our local range. 
The shooting events, and little training sessions Ranger held were educational and fun. 
When we finally started shooting 'Long Range' (450 yards) I was hooked and it's my tunnel vision activity now. 

One thing that never failed was the food. 

The Swamplady and I think of you guys often. 

Got Ranger to send me a receipt email for one event and used it to get out of Jury Duty.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2022, 06:59:15 AM by Rocketvapor »
Well I guess my new **** stirrin paddle don't work . I got a like . WTF 😈

Flo just received her EXPERT Mid range card from the NRA.


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Re: 12th Anniversary of first SKSBoards Florida shoot
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2022, 09:44:18 AM »
I remember being there the first time as a guest and going again and again as a member...the people and camaraderie kept me and my guests/members coming all were my second family...hoping all are healthy and safe.